Fesca has constructed a washing-apparatus which
fulfils perfectly all the objects in view. The raw starch milk is allowed to
settle for from 20 to 24 hours, and after drawing off the very slightly sour
liquid, the raw-starch paste which has deposited in the vat is worked in the
raw-starch centrifugal apparatus. Here it is separated into raw-starch and
gluten-starch, which latter is obtained in the form of a yellowish-brown paste,
and furnishes, when dried and ground, a flour containing from 5 to 6 per.
gluten. The raw-starch is subjected to fermentation for several days. This is accomplished
by placing the same in small vats, and in order to dissolve the residuum of
gluten, it is finally washed and finished in the “refining centrifugal machine.”
By this method a greater yield of starch is obtained than by the common process
of fermenting, and one equally as large as when the latter process has
supported or aided by the use of the raw-starch centrifugal machine.